What is on?
Check out what we were cooking up lately!
Unified Contacts v1.4.2
- add search result cache timeout
- add search result sorting functionality by display name
- update UI of search result toolbar on desktop and mobile
- fix bug that caused the loading spinner only be deactivated after 2 seconds - even though all search results were already loaded in the background.
- add trimming of all string properties of search results, resulting in more consistent sorting.
- update teams manifest to version 1.12
Unified Contacts v1.4.1
- post loading for slow loading endpoints (PRO)
- sort search results alphabetically
- align tiles left to avoid moving tiles after post loading
- fixed bug that caused all SharePoint entries to be shown if searched by the entry creator
- fixed "There's a problem with the link" Error message when trying to call or chat with yourself
- fixed bug where the Job title of a SharePoint contact may not be displayed properly
- fixed bug where the search Headline and the search result counter could overflow into each other
- improved front-end render performance significantly when working with large result sets